“What could be more convincing, moreover, than the gesture of laying one’s cards face up on the table?”
― Jacques Lacan
Most of my research revolves around the question of subjectivity, its formation, dynamics, limits and possibilities. I primarily work with the texts of Lacan, Freud, Deleuze & Guattari, Foucault, Melanie Klein, Manual de Landa, Pierre Legendre, Paul Virilio, the Frankfurt School, Nestor Braunstein, and Michelangelo Antonioni. I am currently writing a multi-volume book on psychoanalysis in California that develops several interrelated lines of inquiry on the themes of the law, the father, the institution, “nature”, the “body”, anxiety, jouissance, technology/technica, design & architecture, acoustic genealogies, and revolution, as a means of deepening and complexifying the question of subjectivity.
Some Recent Publications:
Castrillón, Fernando. Burning down the House: Wildfires, Psychoanalysis, Tumult. Division/Review: No. 25, Fall 2021. Division 39 Membership Services – Division Review (wildapricot.org)
Castrillón, Fernando & Marchevsky, Thomas. Coronavirus, Psychoanalysis & Philosophy: Conversations on Pandemics, Politics, and Society. Routledge Press, 2021.
The link for this publication is Coronavirus, Psychoanalysis, and Philosophy: Conversations on Pandemic (routledge.com)
Castrillón, Fernando. “Denying Death its Due: Ecological Discourse, Technology & the Unconscious” in the European Journal of Psychoanalysis. August 2019.
Castrillón, Fernando. Apocalypse Now? Barbarism and Psychoanalysis (F. Castrillón, D. Koren, J.P. Lebrun) in the European Journal of Psychoanalysis. April 2017.
Castrillón, Fernando & Webster, Jamieson. Special issue of The European Journal of Psychoanalysis entitled Feminine Pathologies. January 2016.
Castrillón, Fernando. “Translating Angst: Inhibitions and Symptoms in Anglo-American Psychoanalysis” in The European Journal of Psychoanalysis. July 2014.
Castrillón, Fernando & Vakoch, Douglas eds. Ecopsychology, Phenomenology, and the Environment: The Experience of Nature. Springer Press, 2014.
Castrillón, Fernando & Vakoch, Douglas eds. Spring 2010. ReVision, 31(3 &4). Special Double issue entitled “Ecopsychology”. I co-edited this double-issue that includes an article of mine: “Digitizing the Psyche: Human/Nature in the Age of Intelligent Machines“.
Castrillón, Fernando (2008). “Digital Teleologies, Imperial Threshold Machinic Assemblages and the Colonization of the Cosmos: A Post-Structuralist Interpretation of Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey” in Proceedings of the Epic of Evolution Conference, 2008. Collins Foundation Press.